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@Kent Many thanks for your comment on how keyboards have evolved as well as your positive thoughts about this forum. You have always been one of my best supporters.
Hur var det en gång i tiden. Mitt första keyboard var ett enkelt Yamaha psr med fasta stilar och ljud. Senare köptes Keyboards med diskett station, fabriksdisketterna var jätte dyra. Längre fram i tiden kom USB minne och internet, vaoooo ! detta var stort och är stort, en ny värld öppnade sej. I dag via Chellos club kan man sitta och titta, välja ladda hem och njuta av er allas MYCKET stora generositet. Tack till er alla och Chello. Kent ///
@Kent Unfortunately - yes. We had a total breakdown, and the only option was to pay a fortune to recreate everything, or re-enter it. I had to choose the latter, which is very unfortunate.
God kväll, jag har inte förstått riktigt, Chello ! har allt ditt arbete under flertalet år försvunnit ( havererat ) Mycket mycket tråkigt, då jag nu fått en andra chans då jag inte var aktiv och slarvade bort min inloggning har jag tyvärr missat detta, jag beklagar och tycker mycket synd om er allas arbete gått förlorat.
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone and thank you all for keeping this forum alive, active and top quality!! I really look forward to be more active in the future but in the mean time I love to log in and say HI
@Amiraudya5 I mean I remember I used to make a folder that I put the styles in. Try different options until they show as they should.
hi,when i conect the audya to computer i see the user styels folders in the hard drive when loading new styels i load them to the category folders or to the main folder ? i try to load styels but i dont see them on the user styels,thanks for your help
@Amiraudya5 Many thanks for your positive feedback ! In addition, if you remember to press the Thank You button when reading an article or downloading material, everything is perfect.
Thanks for your help, it was very usful for me.and i think your forum is great!!!
@Amiraudya5 All Ketron Pen Drive styles have effective copy protection. They can only be installed when you have the code that Ketron gives YOU on sale.